McCurley and Day Masonry is here to help with your masonry projects in Fresno, CA and throughout CA. Call for our commerical masonry contractor expertise to get started!
Established in 1991, McCurley and Day Masonry quickly became a major player in Commercial, Industrial, Retail, and Public masonry projects. Our success can be attributed to an absolute commitment to quality and safety. McCurley and Day Masonry built its’ reputation by having high quality management and labor both on and off site. Our expertise has enabled us to build some of California’s most challenging and complex masonry structures. We have built over six hundred buildings, many of which with a masonry only value of over 1 million dollars. With decades of experience and knowledge, no project is too big or too small.
We pride ourselves on our honesty. We will always be truthful about schedules, time frames and manpower. We will never over-commit or over-promise. As a general contractor, you can count on our openness and transparency regarding your project.
Safety has always been the paramount focus of our company. Our EMR (experience modification rating) is consistently under 1.0, commonly around .75. We have dedicated safety personnel and third party safety consultants working to maintain our high level of safe work environments.